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Browse List of Pathology Tests -

Name of Test Price Method Cut-off Reporting Time Urgent Test Remarks
ALANINE TRANSFERASE (SGPT) ₹ 100 UV without P5P Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 2 hours Clinically useful in the diagnosis of liver & biliary disease.
A.R.STAIN – AQUEOUS ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 2 hrs Negative result does not exclude an infection
A.R.STAIN – ASCITIC FLUID ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Negative result does not exclude an infection
A.R.STAIN – BRONCHIAL SECRETIONS (BAL/TA/ PSB) ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
A.R.STAIN – CSF ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
A.R.STAIN – OTHERS ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
A.R.STAIN – PERICARDIAL FLUID ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
A.R.STAIN – PLEURAL FLUID ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
A.R.STAIN – PUS ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required
A.R.STAIN – SPUTUM ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Expectorated Sputum. Thick mucopurulent part of sputum required, not saliva.
A.R.STAIN – SWAB ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required
A.R.STAIN – SYNOVIAL FLUID ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
A.R.STAIN – THROAT SWAB ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required
A.R.STAIN – TRACHEAL ASPIRATES ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
A.R.STAIN – URINE ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
A.R.STAIN – VITREOUS ₹ 250 IF Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required
A/G RATIO* ₹ 160 Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA Used for determining if patient has evaluating patient's nutritional status, liver disease or kidney disease.
ABNORMAL HAEMOGLOBIN CHROMATOGRAPHY ₹ 1000 HPLC Daily 4pm Tue & Fri 6pm NA 1.Identification of Hb variants & Thalassemia2. Age & Sex / Family history Required
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHIL COUNT ₹ 120 MICROSCOPY/ CELL COUNTER Daily 4pm Daly 7pm 2 hrs 1. Mention Age & Sex 2. History of any previous allergy
ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTE COUNT ₹ 120 MICROSCOPY/ CELL COUNTER Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history Required
ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHIL COUNT ₹ 120 MICROSCOPY/ CELL COUNTER Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history Required
ACID PHOSPHATASE (TOTAL & PROSTATIC FRACTION) ₹ 250 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Liable Analyte. Separate at earliest. Preserve well.
ACTH ₹ 1100 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA Differential diagnosis of adrenal hypo & hyper function sample taken in chilled EDTA tube
ACTH – DEXAMETHASONE SUPPRESSION TEST ₹ 1100 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA Oral 1 mg dexamethasone is givenat night 11 pm on day 1/ Di"erentiates normal subjects from endogenous. Cushing's syndrome,aetiology of Cushing's Syndrome.
ACTIVED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME ₹ 300 Coagulation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Stable only upto 4 hrs. 2. Labile analyte. 3. Separate at the earliest. 4. Preserve well. 5.Patient drug history , duration of therapy
ADA – MTB (ADENOSINE DEAMINASE) ₹ 700 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Use for diagnosis of tuberculosis.
ADRENAL PROFILE ₹ 2000 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1. Iced EDTA Tube 2. Cort. (Mor..) Check Sample Time 3. Any medication Test- CBC+ESR,SOD,POT,Cort. (Morn.),ACTH, DHEA-S
AFB – ID & SENS. To First & Second Line Drugs ₹ 3200 Line probe assay - - - Determination of Mycobaterial resistance to both First & Second Line drugs.
AFB – ID & SENS. to First & Second Line Drugs ₹ 5000 Culture + Line probe assay Daily 12pm After 10 days - 6pm NA Determination of Mycobaterial resistance to both First & Second Line drugs.
AFB – ID & SENS. to R/INH by molecular genotyping ₹ 1600 Line Probe assay Daily 12pm 48 hrs - 6pm NA R/INH are the two mycobactericidal drugs. Determination of resistance against them labels the patient as MDR.
AFB – ID & SENS. to R/INH by molecular genotyping (Culture) ₹ 2500 Culture + Line Probe Assay Daily 12pm After 10 days - 6pm NA R/INH are the two mycobactericidal drugs. Determination of resistance against them labels the patient as MDR.
AFB – ID & SENS. To Second Line Drugs (MDR) ₹ 1600 Line Probe Assay Daily 12pm 48 hrs - 6pm NA Second line drug sensitivity is available for Quinolones, Ethambutol & Streptomycin.
AFB – ID & SENS. To Second Line Drugs (MDR) – C ₹ 2500 Culture + Line Probe Assay Daily 12pm After 10 days - 6pm NA Second line drug sensitivity is available for Quinolones, Ethambutol & Streptomycin.
ALBUMIN ₹ 100 BCG Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Use for determining if patient has liver disease or kidney disease.
ALDEHYDE CHOPRA TEST FOR KALA AZAR ₹ 200 Chemical Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Kala Azar 2. Comes positive only after 3 months of infection and remains positive even after 06 mnths of cure. 3. Rapid and easy method for field diagnosis 4.Non specific test as it is also
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ₹ 130 PNPP Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Used for post hepatic / biliary bstruction& also secreted from Bones.
ALLERGY ANIMAL PANEL ₹ 2000 ImmunoCAP/ PHADIATOP Thursday 4pm Next Day NA History Required 5 Allergens: Cat Dander, Horse Dander, Cow Dander, Dog Dander.
ALLERGY COMPREHENSIVE ASTHMA/ RHINITIS PROFILE ₹ 5850 ImmunoCAP/ PHADIATOP Thus 4 p.m Next Day NA History Required 35 Allergens: Egg white, Cow's milk, Fish, Wheat, Peanut, Soyabean;Barmuda, Rye, Timothy, Meadow, Johnson, Bahia; Juniperus, Quercus, Ulmus, Populous, Prosopis, Olea, Salix, Pinus, Eucalyptus, Acacia, Melaleuca; Ambrosia elatior, Artemisi
ALLERGY FOOD PANEL ₹ 2800 LIA Daily 4pm Next Day NA Selected Food antigens
ALLERGY INDIAN PANEL ₹ 3300 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Next Day NA Selected Food & Respiratory antigens
ALLERGY RESPIRATORY/INHALATION ₹ 2800 LIA Daily 4pm Next Day NA Selected Respiratory antigens
ALPHA FETO PROTEIN ₹ 650 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention age,Imp & USG finiding or clinical history
AMIKACIN ₹ 2050 Kinetic Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs
AMMONIA* ₹ 900 Dry Chemistry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Transport in Ice,or frozen plasma , reach lab within 15 min. 2. For walk in patient only 3. Low Protein diet on night before testing
AMOEBIC SEROLOGY ₹ 1000 -3 Ml - - - 1. Hepatitis/GI infection/Amoebic liver abscess
AMYLASE ₹ 400 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Acute Inflammation of pancreas
AMYLASE P ₹ 450 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Specific inflammation of pancreas
ANA ANTIBODY (LIA) PROFILE ₹ 2100 LIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA Screening Test for autoimmune disorders. Test- nRNP/Sm, SM,SS-A,Ro-52,SS-b,Scl-70,PM- Scl,Jo-1, CENP B,PCNA, dsDNA Nucleosomes, Histones, Rib.P- protein, AMA-M2
ANAEROBES CULTURE & IDENTIFICATION-BODY FLUID ₹ 1500 Culture Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
ANAEROBES CULTURE & IDENTIFICATION-PUS ₹ 880 Culture Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
ANAEROBES CULTURE & IDENTIFICATION-STOOL ₹ 880 Culture Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Specifically for C.Dićcile
ANAEROBES CULTURE & IDENTIFICATION-VAGINAL DISCHARGE ₹ 880 Culture Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required
ANEMIA HEMOLYTIC PROFILE ₹ 1950 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History / Age & Sex Required Test- CBC+ESR, Retic,DCT, HbA2, Tbil, Dbil,G6PD
ANEMIA MEGALOBLASTIC PROFILE ₹ 1800 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History/ Age & Sex Required Test- CBC+ESR, GBP, Retic, Vit.B12, Ferritin
ANEMIA PROFILE COMPREHENSIVE ₹ 3350 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History / Age & Sex Required Test- CBC, GBP,HbA2,Iron,UIBC,TSI,Ferritin, Vit.B12, FOL
ANEMIA SCREENING PROFILE ₹ 950 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History/ Age & Sex Required Test- CBC+ESR, GBP, Retic, Iron , UIBC
ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME* ₹ 950 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Sarcoidosis screening Any steroid therapy
ANION GAP (AGP) (within Na/ K/ CO3)* ₹ 900 Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Acid Base Balance
ANNUAL HEALTH CHECK PANEL (30-40 yrs) ₹ 3000 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting/ Fresh urine sample 2. USG & ECG by appointment Test-CBC+ESR,FBS,PP,Lipid,LFT,Chest- Xray,USG- Abdomen,ECG,Urinalysis
ANTENATAL PROFILE ₹ 1050 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History / Age & Sex Required Test- CBC+ESR, ABO/Rh,VDRL,HIV, HbsAg, Urinalysis
ANTENATAL PROFILE &TRIPLE TEST ₹ 3450 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm Next Day History required as per the TRF form Test- CBC+ESR, ABO/Rh,RBS, VDRL,HIV, HbsAg, Urinalysis, Triple Test
ANTI NUCLEAR ANTIBODY – IF ₹ 1150 Immunofluorescence Daily 4pm Mon & Thurs 7pm NA -
ANTI NUCLEAR ANTIBODY – PROFILE (LIA) ₹ 2100 Line immunoassay Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Detection of Specific ANA 2. Detection of IgG antibodies against 14 di"erent antigens
ANTI – CCP ₹ 1200 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Important surrogate marker for diagnosis and prognosis of RA 2. May be present in healthy individuals years before onset of clinical RA 3. Predictor for erosive disease course"
CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODIES (IgG,IgM,IGA) evening evening for thrombotic diseases associated with Antiphospholipid syndrome(APS) 2. Positive predictive value increases if mixed with lupus anticoagulant and β2 Glycoprotein. 3. False positive results in cases of atherosclerosis in elderly.
ANTI HAV IgM ₹ 990 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Diagnosis of HAV infection
ANTI HB CORE IgM ₹ 950 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1. Diagnosis of HBV infection in window period 2. Earliest antibody marker to be seen in blood 3. Marker of present or past infection
ANTI HB Surface Ag ₹ 850 ECLIA/ ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Hepatitis B marker 2. Marker of recovery or immunity"
ANTI HBe ₹ 800 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Hepatitis B marker 2. Marker of inactive virus / Recovery from infection
ANTI MULLARIAN HORMONE ₹ 1600 - - - - 1. Predicts ovarian response in IVF. 2. AMH levels are less accurate in vit D deficient persons.
ANTI PHOSPHOLIPID PROFILE ₹ 2500 See Individual test Wed 2pm Thurs 6pm NA 1.Clinical History / Age & Sex Required 2. Previous abortion history Test- ACLA, Beta2- glycoprotein , LUPUS
ANTI THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODY (Anti TG)* ₹ 950 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs For diagnosis of Thyroiditis
ANTI THYROID ANTIBODIES ₹ 1800 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Includes quantification of antibody to Microsomal &Thyroglobulin 2.Increased levels are linked to preeclampsia and IVF failure 3.Increased levels are also found in SLE, RA & Sjogren's syndrome
ANTI-ds DNA ANTIBODY-IF* ₹ 1150 Immunofluorescence Daily 4pm Mon & Thurs 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of SLE and lupus nephritis 2.Specificity increases with flowcytometry
ANTIBODY BETA 2 GLYCOPROTEIN* ₹ 1200 ELISA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Anti Phospholipid Syndrome 2.Prognostic marker for thromboembolism 3. Present in 50% of asymptomatic patients
ANTIBODY H.PYLORI (IgG/ IgM) ₹ 1200 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of H.Pylori Infection 2. Noninvasive,rapid, and inexpensive
ANTI THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODY (Anti TPO)* ₹ 950 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Thyroid Microsomal Antibodies 2. High serum antibodies in active phase chronic autoimmune thyroiditis 3. 10-15% of normal individuals can have high levels
ANTIBODY IgG/IgM/IgA to RICKETTSIA TSUTSUGAMASHI* ₹ 900 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Scrub Typhus. 2.Should be done only on the patients with clinical symptoms and not for screening purpose
ANTIBODY TO BRUCELLA ₹ 700 Latex Agglutination Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Diagnosis of Brucella infection 2. History of occupation, consumption of unpasturized dairy products 3. Demonstration of a rise in titre is diagnostic than a single test 4. Titre of > 1:160 is diagnostic"
ANTIBODY TO BRUCELLA ₹ 900 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Diagnosis of Chikungunya infection 2. Fever is caused by alphavirus transmitted by Aedes aegypti 3. Negative test results does not preclude the possibility of infection"
ANTIBODY TO FILARIA ₹ 900 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 6 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Filaria. 2. History of travel to endemic zone
ANTIBODY TO HEPATITIS “C” VIRUS ₹ 900 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Confirmation of selected positives and border lines will be done by CLIA. Hepatitis C infection
ANTIBODY TO HEPATITIS “E” VIRUS (IgM) ₹ 1500 ELISA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs Antibody usually detected one month post infection
ANTIBODY to JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS (JEV)* ₹ 700 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Detection of IgM antibody to JE virus
ANTIBODY TO LEISHMANIA ₹ 1400 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Kala Azar 2. Comes positive only after 3 months of infection and remains positive even after 06 months of cure. 3. Rapid and easy method for field diagnosis 4.Non specific test as it is also positive in TB, cirrhosis , malaria
ANTIBODY TO LEPTOSPIRA IgG/IgM ₹ 1350 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Leptospira 2. Only a screening test, confirmation by ELISA or MAT 3. Antibodies appear at the end of first week of infection 4. Platelet count is frequently low in leptospirosis. 5. Immunohistochemical staining offers great sensitivity and
ANTIBODY TO SYPHILIS* ₹ 500 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Syphilis 2. Screening of donor blood 3.Results are similar to those of specific treponemal tests.
ANTIBODY TO TTG IgA* ₹ 800 ELISA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Coeliac Disease 2.Most sensitive and earliest marker 3. Also positive in dermatitis herpetiformis
ANTISTREPTOLYSIN O TITRE ₹ 400 Immunoturbidimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Previous history of streptococcus infection 2. not eat for 6 hours before the test
APO LIPOPROTEIN B ₹ 400 Immunoturbidimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting required associated with LDL Cholesterol 2. Clinical history of heart attack ,preganancy
APOLIPOPROTEIN A-1 ₹ 400 Immunoturbidimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting required associated with HDL Cholesterol 2. Clinical history/Obesity /ask if patient taking high fat diet
ARTHRITIS PROFILE ₹ 3450 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History /Age & Sex / Family history Required Test - CBC+ESR, UA, HSCRP, RA, ASO, A-CCP, ANA-IFA ,
ASPARTATE TRANSFERASE (SGOT) ₹ 130 UV without P5P Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 2 hours For detecting & monitoring of liver disease.
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – OTHERS ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – PUS ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – SEMEN ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – SPUTUM ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA No salivary sample Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – STOOL ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – THROAT SWAB ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Sample should be taken by microbiologist 1 swab for staining, 1 swab for culture Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – URINE ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – VAGINAL SWAB ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – BODY FLUID ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 49 hrs NA Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – CSF ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required Transport at Room temperature
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – DISCHARGE ASPIRATE ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – EAR ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – EYE ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history
AUTO CULTURE AEROBIC – MILK ₹ 600 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
AUTOMATED RETICULOCYTE COUNT WITH FRACTION ₹ 300 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Clinical history 2. Flow cytometry technique, differentiqte between types of reticulocytes helps in stratification of anaemia.
CHLAMYDIA ANTIGEN* ₹ 700 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) 2. Screening test
BAL FOR CYTOLOGY (LIQUID BASED CYTOLOGY) ₹ 800 Liquid based cytology/ Microscopy Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 2 hours Clinical History Required
BASIC HEALTH CHECK PANEL ₹ 700 See Individual Test Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 4 hours 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting/Fresh Urine Sample Test- CBC+ESR, FBS, Urea, Crt,UA,Chol,SGPT,Urinalys
BETA – HCG ₹ 600 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention LMP, USG finiding or other clinical history. Detects and monitors pregnancy
BICARBONATE ₹ 500 Dry Chemistry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.For walk in patients only 2. Consult doctor for medication before doing this test
BILIRUBIN (DIRECT) ₹ 100 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Evaluation of Icterus / Liver function
BILIRUBIN (INDIRECT) ₹ 0 Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Evaluation of Icterus / Liver function/ hemolysis
BILIRUBIN (TOTAL) ₹ 100 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Evaluation of Icterus / Liver function/ hemolysis
BILIRUBIN NEONATAL ₹ 150 Enzymatic colorimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Neonatal Jaundice
BLEEDING TIME ₹ 100 Ivy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs For walk-in patients only
BLOOD GROUP/ Rh ₹ 50 AGGLUTINATION/ GEL Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Detection of blood Group 2.History of Blood transfusion 3. History of previous abortion
BLOOD SMEAR FOR MICROFILARIA ₹ 250 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1.Diagnosis of Filariasis 2.History of fever, swelling of limbs,chyluria
BLOOD UREA NITROGEN ₹ 100 Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Measure of Renal function 2.Clinical history Required
BONE MARROW WITH ASPIRATION ₹ 2500 Procedure/Microscopy Daily 4pm Next day after 12pm NA "1. Clinical History required 2. Mention Age & Sex 3. Done between 1 & 8 pm"
BONE MARROW SLIDE FOR REVIEW ₹ 650 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs "1. Clinical History required 2. Mention Age & Sex 3. Previous reports mandatory"
BRUSH CYTOLOGY ₹ 450 Conventional/Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Clinical History Required 2.Any other investigation e.g. X-ray, CT Scan
BUFFY COAT FOR LD BODIES ₹ 260 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. History of fever/Skin lesions 2.Previous reports manadatory
C A 125 ₹ 1050 ECLIA/ ELFA Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 2 hours Ovarian Cancer Marker
C A 15.3 ₹ 1050 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Breast Cancer marker
C A 19.9 ₹ 1050 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Pancreas/ Intestine Pancreatic Cancer Marker
C -REACTIVE PROTEIN (QUANTITATIVE) ₹ 350 Immunoturbidimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Measure of inflammation/ Tissue injury
C Diffcile Antigen* ₹ 1850 - Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. To confirm the presence of toxin in faeces 2. Requires fresh faecal specimens not preserved in formalin 3. Cary Blair transport media 4. C.dićcle:most common cause of antibiotic induced diarrhoea
C-REACTIVE PROTEIN (HIGH SENSITIVITY) ₹ 400 Immunoturbidimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Measure of low level inflammation/ Tissue injury
CALCIUM ₹ 120 o-CPC Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Do not apply tourniqet for veinipuncture 2.Serum should be separated as earliest 3.Mention age & sex / Clinical history
CALCIUM-IONIC* ₹ 450 ISE-Indirect Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Do not apply tourniqet for veinipuncture 2.Serum should be separated as earliest 3.Mention age & sex / Clinical history
CANNED FOOD (Single Sample) ₹ 400 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 72 hrs NA - Sterile labelled container according to no. of samples in packs. - Brief History Required
CARBAMEZIPINE ₹ 750 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention time of drug dose
CARCINO EMBRYONIC ANTIGEN ₹ 600 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Colonic Cancer Marker
CARDIAC INJURY PROFILE ₹ 1700 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History / Age& Sex /Family History Required Test- SGOT, CK, CPK-MB, LDH, Tropi-I
CBC/ HEMOGRAM (25 parameter) ₹ 300 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "Clinical History / Age & Sex Required Test- Hb , TLC , DLC Absoulete & percentage, RBC, Red cell Indices,PLT, Platelet Indices"
CBC/ HEMOGRAM + ESR (25 parameter) ₹ 360 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "Clinical History / Age & Sex Required Test- Hb , TLC , DLC Absoulete & percentage, RBC, Red cell Indices,PLT, Platelet Indices, ESR"
CERVICAL/VAGINAL SMEAR (CONVENTIONAL) ₹ 400 Smear/Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Clinical History Required
CERVICAL/VAGINAL SMEAR (LIQUID BASED CYTOLOGY) ₹ 1100 Liquid based cytology/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
CHLAMYDIA ANTIGEN- ₹ 700 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Antigen Detection 2. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 3. Cervical swabs for detection of genital infections
CHLORIDE ₹ 120 ISE-Indirect/Direct Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Used for checking electrolyte imbalance
CHOLERA ANTIGEN* ₹ 700 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of Vibrio Cholerae
CHOLESTEROL- DIRECT LDL ₹ 150 Direct Measurement Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 10-12 hrs. Fasting, Bad cholesterol
CHOLESTEROL- HDL ₹ 150 Enzymatic colorimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 10-12 hrs. Fasting, Good cholesterol
CHOLESTEROL- TOTAL ₹ 120 Enzymatic colorimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "I0-12 hrs. Fastingi Increased levels related to increased risk of cardiovascular disease."
CHOLESTROL- VLDL ₹ 150 Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 10-12 hrs. Fasting, Bad cholesterol
CHOLINESTERASE* ₹ 750 - Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Determine risk of poisoning , chemical exposure.
CLOTTING TIME ₹ 100 Capillary Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs For walk-in patients only
CMV IgG ₹ 450 ECL Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Past infection of CMV 2.If antibody is not specified, IgM antibodies are selected by default
CMV IgM ₹ 450 CHEMILUMINESCENCE / ECL Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Recent Infection of CMV
COAGULATION PROFILE ₹ 1400 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs "1.Clinical History / Age & Sex Required 2. Drug therapy & duration Test- CBC+ESR , PT , APTT , TT".
COAGULATION PROFILE EXTENDED ₹ 2300 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History / Age & Sex Required 2. Drug therapy & duration Test- CBC+ESR , PT , APTT , TT, D-Dimer
COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CHECK PANEL (>40 yrs) ₹ 4000 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting/Fresh Urine sample 2.. USG & ECG by appointment Test- CBC+ESR,F,PP,HbA1c,LFT,KFT, LIPIDcomplete,Urinalysis,USG Abdomen,Chest-XRAY,ECG
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – MILK ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – OTHERS ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – PUS ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 Swab for culture. Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – SEMEN ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – SPUTUM ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – STOOL ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – URINE ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Mid-stream clean catch, Transport within half an hour of collection Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – BODY FLUID ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – CSF ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Clinical history required Transport at Room temperature
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC – DISCHARGE ASPIRATE ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC –EAR SWAB ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC –EYE ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC –THROAT SWAB ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Sample should be taken by microbiologist 1 swab for staining, 1 swab for culture Clinical history required
CONVENTIONAL CULTURE AEROBIC –VAGINAL SWAB ₹ 350 Manual Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1 swab for staining, 1 for culture. Clinical history required
COOMBS TEST –DIRECT ₹ 350 AGGLUTINATION Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. What is blood Group 2.History of Blood transfusion 3.History of previous abortion 4. History of Drug history"
COOMBS TEST – INDIRECT ₹ 400 AGGLUTINATION Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. What is blood Group 2.History of Blood transfusion 3. History of previous abortion 4. History of Drug history"
COOMBS TEST DIRECT ANTIBODY TYPING ₹ 1900 AGGLUTINATION Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. What is blood Group 2.History of Blood transfusion 3. History of previous abortion 4. History of Drug history"
CORTISOL ( EVENING ) ₹ 480 ELFA Daily 6pm Next Day NA Cushing's Syndrome,Addison's disease Evening sample between 4pm to 6 pm , 4 hrs fasting required
CORTISOL ( MORNING ) ₹ 480 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Cushing's Syndrome,Addison's disease Morning sample between 8 to 10 am
CPK-MB ₹ 500 Dry Chemistry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Myocardial diseases 2. Urgent processing to be rquested
CREATINE KINASE ₹ 250 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Skeletal muscle diseases
CREATININE ₹ 120 Ja"e Kinetic Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Measure of Renal Function
CULTURE BLOOD – (2 SET/ 4 VIAL) ₹ 2200 Bactalert/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1.Aseptic collection of blood 2.Indication- Pyrexia of unkown origin,Septicaemia, Meningitis, Ascities etc.
CYSTATIN C ₹ 700 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Measure of GFR
CORTISOL- DEXAMETHASONE SUPPRESSION TEST ₹ 550 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA Oral 1 mg dexamethasone is givenat night 11 pm on day 1/ Di"erentiates normal subjects from endogenous. Cushing's syndrome,aetiology of Cushing's Syndrome
CULTURE BLOOD & SENSITIVITY AEROBIC – (1-SET/ 2 VIAL) ₹ 1800 Bactalert/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1.Aseptic collection of blood 2.Indication- Pyrexia of unkown origin,Septicaemia, Meningitis, Ascities etc.
CULTURE BLOOD & SENSITIVITY AEROBIC – (1-VIAL) ₹ 1000 Bactalert/Vitek Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA 1.Aseptic collection of blood 2.Indication- Pyrexia of unkown origin,Septicaemia, Meningitis, Ascities etc.
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) PANEL ₹ 4500 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA
D DIMER ₹ 1500 LATEX AGGLUTINATION Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 2 hours 1. patient on heparin therapy 2. History of recent child birth or abortion
DENGUE IgM (ELISA) ₹ 1500 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Diagnosis of Dengue
DENGUE IgM, IgG & NS1 ₹ 900 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of Dengue 2. Detects dengue also during the window period (NS-1)
DIABETES PROFILE ₹ 1700 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 10 12 hrs. Fasting Test- FBS,PPBS,Urea,Crt,Lipid,Cystatin C, HbA1c, Ure Spot Microalbumin
DIABETES PROFILE EXTENDED ₹ 2600 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 10 12 hrs. Fasting Test- FBS,PPBS,Urea,Crt,Lipid,sod,pot,chl, HbA1c, Ure Spot Microalbumin, USG-Whole abdomen
DIALYSIS PROFILE ₹ 1000 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical History Required 2. Assessment of kidney activity Test- CBC+ESR, FBS, Ura,Crt, UA,SOD,POT, CHL, CA, Phos
DIFFERENTIAL LEUCOCYTE COUNT ₹ 120 Cell Counter/Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs -
DIHYDROEPIANDROSTENEDION SULPHATE ₹ 850 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention age & sex, Hisoy of illness Diagnosis of hirsutism, PCOD , Tumor of adrenal cortex
DOMESTIC HEALTH CHECK PANEL ₹ 500 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs Clinical history required Test- CBC,VDRL,HIV,Urinalysis,XRAY
ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE(AUTOMATED) ₹ 100 Automated Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 2 hours High levels in malignancy, hematologic disease, collagen disorder & renal disease.
ESTRADIOL (E2) ₹ 500 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention age,LMP , previous history
ESTRIOL UNCONJUGATED (E3) ₹ 1100 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention age,LMP,These levels are to be used in Triple marker studies.
ETHANOL (ALCOHOL) ₹ 1400 Enzymatic 17:30 Daily 6 pm 2 hrs
ETHANOL (ALCOHOL) urine ₹ 1400 Enzymatic 175:30 daily 6pm 2 hrs
EXECUTIVE HEALTH CHECK PANEL ₹ 1200 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting/ Fresh Urine Sample 2. ECG by appointment Test- CBC,FBS,Urea,Crt,UA,Chol,TG,HDL, SGOT,SGPT,Urinalysis,XRAY,ECG
FEMALE INFERTILITY PROFILE (PCOD) ₹ 2600 See Individual Test Daily 4 pm Daily 7 pm 4 hours "Clinical History Test: LH, FSH, Prolactin, Free Testosterone, Insuln-F & PP, FBS, PPBS"
FERRITIN ₹ 600 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention H/O transfusion. A marker of iron overload disorders.
FEVER PROFILE BASIC ₹ 480 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs Diagnosisof cause of fever. Test- CBC+ESR,MP,Widal,Urinalysis
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – SPUTUM ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Expectorated Sputum Thick mucopurulent part of sputum required, not saliva.
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – TRACHEAL ASPIRATE ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm - Urngent sample, transport within 1 hr. Keep at room temperature.
FEVER PROFILE EXTENDED ₹ 4200 See Individual test Daily 4pm Blood Culture after 24 hrs NA Diagnosisof cause of fever. Test-CBC+ESR,MP,MP Ag,ANA IFA, Brucella, Typhi, Tsutsugumshi IgM,Urinalysis, Urine Culutre,Blood Culutre.
FIRST TRIMESTER SCREENING+NUCHAL TRANSCULENCY (DUAL TEST)* ₹ 2400 ECLIA+ SsdLab5 Daily 4pm 7 days NA Detail history required as per the questionare available at Reception
FLUID EXAMINATION ₹ 300 Biochemical & Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs CSF/ BAL are Urgent, transported within 1 hr at room temperature. Include Biochemical & cytological Examination
FLUID – USG GUIDED TAP ₹ 600 Procedure Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs PT/INR done before liver abscess drainage.
FLUID ASCITIC FOR CHYLE ₹ 250 Biochemical Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of fat in Ćuid
FLUID ASCITIC FOR AMYLASE ₹ 250 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs For Pancraetitis
FLUID LIVER ABSCESS CYTOLOGY ₹ 300 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detailed history required
FLUID SYNOVIAL FOR POLARISING MICRO/CRYSTALS ₹ 400 Polarising Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of Uric acid crystals
FNAC – Any Site ₹ 750 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Clinical history required, 2.For walk in patient
FNAC :- TESTIS/SCROTUM ₹ 600 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Clinical history required, 2.For walk in patient
FNAC :- U/S GUIDED ₹ 1000 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Clinical history required, 2.For walk in patient
FNAC ASPIRATE FOR CYTOLOGY (LIQUID BASED CYTOLOGY) ₹ 800 Liquid based cytology/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
FNAC-CT GUIDED ₹ 2000 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Clinical history required, 2.For walk in patient
FNAC-CT GUIDED (If CT done Outside) ₹ 3000 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Clinical history required, 2.For walk in patient
FOLIC ACID ₹ 950 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History required, assessment of folic acid
FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE ₹ 400 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Age, LMP required , Gonadal dysfunction
FREE BETA-HCG * ₹ 850 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention LMP, USG Ąniding or other clinical history. Used for Dual marker ,Antenatal screening
FREE PSA* ₹ 750 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs To diĂerentiate BPH & Ca Prostate
FUNGAL CULTURE & IDENTIFICATION ₹ 750 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 7 days - Clinical History Required Requires 5 - 7 days for growth Fluorescence microscopy aids in identiĄcation
FUNGAL CULTURE, ID & SENSITIVITY ₹ 3000 Culture/Vitek Daily 4pm 7 days - Clinical History Required Requires 5 - 7 days for growth Fluorescence microscopy aids in identiĄcation
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – THROAT SWAB ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – AQUEOUS FLUID ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required Staining for identiĄcation Culture for conĄrmation
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – BODY FLUID ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required Staining for identiĄcation Culture for conĄrmation
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – HAIR ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs IdentiĄcation of fungus by KOH mount Collect infant hairs (small)
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – NAIL ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Collect sample after cleaning with spirit or alcohol. IdentiĄcation of fungus by KOH mount
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – SKIN ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Collect sample after cleaning with spirit or alcohol. IdentiĄcation of fungus by KOH mount
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – CSF ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required Staining for identiĄcation Culture for conĄrmation, from centrifuged deposit
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – URINE ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
FUNGUS IDENTIFICATION – VITREOUS FLUID ₹ 300 Bright Field/ Phase contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
G6PD (QUANTITATIVE) ₹ 600 CELL COUNTER/ PHOTOMETRIC Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Recent fall in Hb 2.Passage of dark urine 3.Drug history
GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANFERASE ₹ 160 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Biliary tract disease/ Alcoholic Liver diseases
GASTRIC ASPIRATE : OCCULT BLOOD ₹ 200 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs -
GENERAL BLOOD PICTURE ₹ 250 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. History of illness 2.Clinical history
GLOBULIN ₹ 0 Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Used for determining patient's nutritional status, liver disease or kidney disease.
GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST- Non Pregnant Patients ₹ 400 Hexokinase/GOP-POD Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs after last sample F/ 75 g Glucose/30/60/90/120 min. Detection & management of Diabetic melitus.
GLUCOSE CHALLENGE TEST ₹ 150 Hexokinase/GOP-POD Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs F/ 50 g Glucose/60 min. Detection & management of Diabetic melitus.
GLUCOSE FASTING ₹ 80 Hexokinase/GOP-POD Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Diabetes melitus 2. Fasting 10-12 hours"
GLUCOSE PP ₹ 80 Hexokinase/GOP-POD Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Diabetes melitus 2. After 2 hrs of glucose".
GLUCOSE RANDOM ₹ 80 Hexokinase/GOP-POD Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Diabetes melitus 2. Any time randomly , No fasting required
GLYCOSYLATED HAEMOGLOBIN ₹ 500 HPLC/ IMMUNOTURBIDIMETRIC Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.History of Diabetes mellitus 2.Previous report 3.Report of RBC
GRAM STAIN – AQUEOUS ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Negative result does not exclude an infection
GRAM STAIN – ASCITIC FLUID ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
GRAM STAIN – BRONCHIAL SECRETIONS (BAL/ TA/ PSB) ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Urgent sample, transport within 1 hr. Keep at room temperature.
GRAM STAIN – CSF ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Urgent sample, transport within 1 hr. Keep at room temperature.
GRAM STAIN – OTHERS ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
GRAM STAIN – PERICARDIAL FLUID ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
GRAM STAIN – PLEURAL FLUID ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
GRAM STAIN – PUS ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
GRAM STAIN – SPUTUM ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Expectorated Sputum Thick mucopurulent part of sputum required, not saliva.
GRAM STAIN – SWAB ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
GRAM STAIN – SYNOVIAL FLUID ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
GRAM STAIN – THROAT SWAB ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
GRAM STAIN – TRACHEAL ASPIRATES ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
GRAM STAIN – URETHRAL SMEAR ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
GRAM STAIN – URINE ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
GRAM STAIN – VITREOUS ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
HBe ANTIGEN ₹ 800 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 HRS "1. Hepatitis B marker 2. Marker of inactive virus / Recovery from infection"
HBs ANTIGEN ₹ 350 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1. Earliest appearing Hepatitis B marker 2. Appears even before the elevation of transaminases 3. Circulates in blood throughout the icteric period
HBs ANTIGEN – CONFIRMATORY ₹ 600 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs ConĄrmation of Screening Test for Hepatitis B surface antigen.
HEMOGLOBIN ₹ 100 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Previous Report
HEMORRHAGIC FLUID FOR CYTOLOGY (LIQUID BASED CYTOLOGY) ₹ 800 Liquid based cytology/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
HEPATITIS ‘C’VIRUS PANEL ₹ 5000 See Individual test Daily 4 pm Daily 7pm NA
HEPATITIS B PROFILE ₹ 2500 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA Hepatitis viral marker Clinical History Required Test-HbsAg, A- HBS, HBeAg, Anti-Hbe, HBcIgM.
HEPATITIS B PROFILE with VIRAL LOAD ₹ 7000 See Individual test Daily 4pm Next day 6pm NA Hepatitis viral marker clinical history Required Test-HbsAg, A- HBS, HBeAg, Anti-Hbe, HBcIgM, PCR DNA HBsAg
HEPATITIS PROFILE (A/B/C/E) ₹ 3900 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Next Day 6pm NA Clinical history Required Test- HAV IgM, HBsAG,HCV, HEV IgM, HBcIgM
HIRSUTISM PROFILE ₹ 2400 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs Age & Sex must be mentioned Test- LH,FSH,PRL,Total Testo,TSH,DHEA- S
HISTOPATHOLOGY (2ND OPINION) Reception ₹ 500 Microscopy Daily 4pm 48 hrs NA Detailed history required as per the questionare available at
HISTOPATHOLOGY (EXTRA BLOCK) ₹ 250 - Daily 4pm 24 hrs NA Detailed history required as per the questionare available at Reception
HISTOPATHOLOGY (EXTRA SLIDE) ₹ 250 - Daily 4pm 24 hrs NA Detailed history required as per the questionare available at Reception
HISTOPATHOLOGY (RAPID) ₹ 750 Tissue Processing & Microscopy Daily 11am Daily 7pm Yes 1.Rapid Biopsy for small specimen 2.Clinical History Required 3. Operative Notes are manadatory
HISTOPATHOLOGY BONE ₹ 950 Tissue Processing & Microscopy - 4 days Yes 1.Rapid Biopsy for small specimen 2.Clinical History Required 3. Operative Notes are manadatory
HISTOPATHOLOGY BRAIN ₹ 900 Tissue Processing & Microscopy - 4 days Yes 1.Rapid Biopsy for small specimen 2.Clinical History Required 3. Operative Notes are manadatory
HISTOPATHOLOGY LARGE ₹ 750 Tissue Processing & Microscopy - 4 days Yes 1.Rapid Biopsy for small specimen 2.Clinical History Required 3. Operative Notes are manadatory
HISTOPATHOLOGY SMALL ₹ 600 Tissue Processing & Microscopy - 4 days Yes 1.Rapid Biopsy for small specimen 2.Clinical History Required 3. Operative Notes are manadatory
HISTOPATHOLOGY- ORGAN/REDICAL DISSECTION ₹ 1500 Tissue Processing & Microscopy - 7 days NA 1.Rapid Biopsy for small specimen 2.Clinical History Required 3. Operative Notes are manadatory
HIV Antibody + P24 Antigen ₹ 750 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Combination teste Ăective for shortening window period detection.
HOMOCYSTEINE ₹ 800 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Assessment of Cardiovascular disease
HSV 1 & 2 IgG ₹ 500 ELISA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. past infection by HSV 1 & 2 2.If antibody is not speciĄed, IgM antibodies are selected by default
HSV 1&2 IgM ₹ 500 CHEMILUMINESCENCE Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Recent Infection of HSV 1&2
HYPERTENSION PROFILE ₹ 3900 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 10-12 hrs. Fasting/Mention Age & Sex / Family History Test- FBS, Lipid Complete,TSH, ECHO,USG-Whole abdomen
IgE TOTAL ₹ 600 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs History of illness , Age & Sex must be mentioned
I. M SPOT TEST ₹ 800 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. For infectious mononucleosis& also known as Paul Bunnel test. 2.. The heterophile test is less useful in children younger than 2 years, in whom the results are frequently negative. 3. False positive results in toxoplasmosis, leukaemia and lymphoma
IHC PANEL-BRAIN TUMOUR (GFAP, EMA, VIMENTIN, S-100, SYANPTOPHYSIN, CD34, Ki67) ₹ 7300 IHC - 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC PANEL- BREAST-I (ER & PR) ₹ 2000 IHC - 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC PANEL- BREAST-II (ER, PR & Her2Neu) ₹ 3000 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC PANEL- LYMPHNODE (Lymphoma v/s Metastasis) – (LCA, CK, Vimentin, EMA, two additional markers based on site) ₹ 6500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC PANEL- Lymphnode Reactive v/s Lymphoma (CD3, CD5, CD10, CD20, CD23, Cyclin D1, bcl2, bcl6) ₹ 8500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC PANEL- Metastatic Carcinoma with Unknown Primary (Markers will be done depending on suspected primary) ₹ 6500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC PANEL- Metastatic Germ Cell Tumour (AFP, PLAP, B-HCG, CD117, CD30, Inhibin Alfa) ₹ 6500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-Alpha Feto Protein ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-bcl-6 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required
oncoprotein 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-bcl2 oncoprotein ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-Beta HCG ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CA125 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD10 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD117 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD20 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD23 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD3 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD30 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD34 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD45 (LCA) ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD5 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- CD79a ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CD99 (mic 2) ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-CEA ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Cyclin D1 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Cytokeratin 20 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Cytokeratin 7 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA) ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Estrogen Receptor (ER) ₹ 950 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-GFAP ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-Her 2/neu ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- HPV16 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Inhibin Alpha ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-Ki67 ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Pankeratin [AE1/AE3] ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-PLAP ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Progesterone Receptor (PR) ₹ 950 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Prostate SpeciĄc Antigen (PSA) ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-S100 PROTEIN ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER- Synaptophysin ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IHC SINGLE MARKER-Vimentin ₹ 1500 IHC 7 days NA 1.Detailed history required 2.Previous Histopathology reports
IMMUNOFIXATION ELECTROPHORESIS ₹ 4900 Electrophoresis Daily 2pm Next Day NA Clinical history, Age & sex Required
INFLUENZA A & B VIRUS ANTIGEN * ₹ 1850 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Presumptive diagnosis of InĆuenza A & B 2. Special Transport media 3. Throat swab/hazardous sample
INSULIN ₹ 700 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Fasting sample at rest Hemolytic serum shows interference.
IRON ₹ 250 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Clinical history/ age & sex
IRON PROFILE ₹ 700 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1.Clinical history 2. Check for DeĄciency of Iron useful in diagnosis of iron deĄciency anaemia. Test- Iron ,UIBC, TSI, Ferritin
LACTATE * ₹ 750 Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Screening test for lactic acidosis.
LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE ₹ 280 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Marker of common injuries & dieaseses, released during tissue damage
LEAD TESTING ₹ 1300 Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs
LH / FSH RATIO ₹ 800 Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention Age / LMP , gonadal dysfuntion
LIPASE ₹ 450 Enzymatic colorimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Sensitive & speciĄc marker of pancreatic injury
LIPID PROFILE BASIC (With D-LDL) ₹ 400 See Individual Test Dail y4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "10-12 hrs. Fasting/Mention Age & Sex / Family History Test- Chol , TG , HDL,LDL,VLDL".
LIPID PROFILE COMPREHENSIVE ₹ 2500 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 10-12 hrs. Fasting/ Mention Age & Sex / Family History Test- Chol , TG , HDL,LDL,VLDL, Apo A, Apo B, LpA, Homocystein
LIPID PROFILE EXTENDED ₹ 1600 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 10-12 hrs. Fasting/ Mention Age & Sex / Family History Test- Chol , TG , HDL,LDL,VLDL, Apo A, Apo B, LpA
LIPOPROTEIN (a) ₹ 700 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.10-12 hrs. Fasting 2. Assess risk of cardiovascular disorder
LITHIUM ₹ 350 Dry Chemistry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Monitoring therapy to avoid toxicity in Manic depressive disorder.
LIVER AI PROFILE ₹ 1900 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of Liver autoimmune disorders Test- Ag- PDH (AMA M2), Sp100,LKM1 , gp210, LC1, SLA
LIVER PROFILE/ L.F.T ₹ 650 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "Test assesses the functional activity of the liver Test- Tbil, Dbil, Indirect Bil, SGPT, SGOT, GGTP, ALKP, TP ,Alb, Globulin".
LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT -CONFIRMATORY ₹ 1500 Plasma RecalciĄcation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs ConĄrmation tests is done for LUPUS screen positive sample.
LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT- SCREENING ₹ 1100 Plasma RecalciĄcation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. History of previous abortion 2.History of deep vein thrombosis
LUTEINISHING HORMONE ₹ 400 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Age, LMP required, Gonadal dysfunction
MAGNESIUM ₹ 450 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Present in bones & body tissues , role as activator for various physiochemical processes. 2.Hypermagnesemia has depredding eĂect on CNS ,Respiratory failure.
MALARIA ANTIGEN (P.V./ P.F.) ₹ 250 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Diagnosis of malaria 2. DiĂerentiates between P.falciparum & other plasmodia. 3. Can't be used for follow up because HRP-2 Antigen persists for 28 days even after successful treatment.
MALARIA PROFILE ₹ 1400 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of malarial infection Test-MP, MP Ag, PCR(DNA) Malaria
MALARIAL PARASITE ₹ 100 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of malarial infection Test-MP, MP Ag, PCR(DNA) Malaria
MALE INFERTILITY PROFILE ₹ 1600 See Individual test Daily 4pm Next Day 6pm NA 1Clinical History / Age & Sex must be mentioned Test- LH , FSH, PRL, Total TESTO, TSH
MALIGNANT CELL (LIQUID BASED CYTOLOGY) ₹ 800 Liquid based cytology/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
MALIGNANT CELL-BODY FLUID ₹ 300 Cytocentrifuge/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Detection of malignancy 2. Clinical History Required
MANTOUX TEST * ₹ 100 - Daily 4pm 48 hrs 1.For walk in patient only 2.Do not apply Oil, Soap, Water at Puncture Site , Shown this site inbetween 48 to 72 hours .
MEAN CORPUSCULAR HAEMOGLOBIN ₹ 100 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Typing of Anemia
MEAN CORPUSCULAR HAEMOGLOBIN CONCENTRATION ₹ 100 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Typing of Anemia
MEAN CORPUSCULAR VOLUME ₹ 100 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Typing of Anemia
MENINGITIS- BACTERIAL IDENTIFICATION ₹ 2800 Latex Agglutination Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs IdentiĄcation of Six pathogens ( N. meninginitidis , H. InĆuenza, S. Pneumoniae, S. Agalactiae )
NASAL SMEAR FOR EOSINOPHILS * ₹ 400 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm
NIPPLE DISCHARGE ₹ 350 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Clinical History Required 2.Cytological Examination."
OBESITY PROFILE ₹ 1650 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting. 2. Cort.(M) sample at 8 am Test-Lipid, Crt, UA, SOD, POT, CHL, CA, Phos, Cort (morn), T3 T4 TSH, Urinalysis
ORAL SCRAPINGS FOR MALIGNANT CELLS ₹ 350 Conventional/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1.Walk in Patients only / Consult the doctor 2.Detailed History"
OSTEOPOROSIS PROFILE ₹ 2500 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs Assessment of bone health Test- CA, Phos, Vit D, DEXA- Femur & Spine
PACKED CELL VOLUME (See Hematocrit) ₹ 100 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Hematocrit
PAPP-A * ₹ 1000 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention LMP, USG Ąniding or other clinical history. Used for Dual marker,Antenatal screening
PARATHORMONE INTACT ₹ 1200 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Used for diĂerential diagnosis of calcium related abnormalities EDTA plasma can be taken
P.U.O. PROFILE ₹ 4600 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Previous infection or any illness 2. Blood Culture report Next Day. Test- CBC+ESR,MP,MP Ag,, Brucella, Typhi, Weil Felix, Leptospira Ig& IgM, Dengue Ag& Ab, IgM chikungunya, Urinalysis, Blood Culutre
PAROXYSMAL NOCTURNAL HAEMOGLOBINUREA ₹ 1000 Gel Method Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Clinical history of illness 2.This test indicate Absence of DAF(CD55) & MIRL(CD 59) 3.Screening test
PCR (DNA) CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) ₹ 3500 Real time PCR Daily 4 pm - NA To be started shortly
PCR (DNA) Hepatitis ‘B’ Virus (Qualitative) * ₹ 3500 Real Time PCR Friday 4pm Next Day 6pm NA Qualitative detection of HBV
PCR (DNA) Hepatitis ‘B’ Virus (Quantitative) * ₹ 5500 Real Time PCR Friday 4pm Next Day 6pm NA Viral load of HBV Monitoring of response to therapy
PCR (DNA) HLA B-27 * ₹ 1700 Real Time PCR Tuesday 4pm Next Day 6pm NA Associated with ankyosring spondilytis.
PCR (DNA) Human Papilloma Virus * ₹ 1700 Real Time PCR Daily 4pm Next Day 6pm NA Diagnosis of Human Papiloma Virus
PCR (DNA) Malaria * ₹ 1500 Real Time PCR Daily 4pm Next Day 6pm NA Diagnosis of Malaria Can't diĂerentiate between diĂerent species of Plasmodium
PCR HEPATITIS ‘C’ VIRUS-RNA (QUANTITATIVE) ₹ 6500 Real time PCR Daily 4 p.m. - NA To be started shortly
PCR Mycobacterium Tuberculosis * ₹ 1500 Real Time PCR Daily 4pm Next Day 6pm NA Clinical history Required Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
PERIPHERAL BLOOD SMEAR ₹ 200 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Previous reports 2.Clinical history of illness"
PHENYTOIN * ₹ 750 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention time of drug dose
PHOSPHORUS INORGANIC ₹ 120 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Kidney & Gastrointestinal disorders.
PITUITARY PROFILE ₹ 2250 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs ACTH is a labile analyte, Take sample in Chilled EDTA Vial Please collect before 12 noon in resting condition. Test- ACTH, PRL, LH , FSH, TSH
PLATELET COUNT ₹ 200 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. Previous report 2. Urgent processing of sample to be requested"
POST MENOPAUSAL PANEL ₹ 5500 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting 2. Clinical History/Age & Sex 3. USG by Appointment Test- CBC+ESR,ABO/Rh,FBS,Crt,UA,Lipid,LFT, E2,FSH,TSH,PAP conventional,Urinalysis,USG-whole abdomen,Chest PA,Mammo,DEXA
POTASSIUM ₹ 140 ISE - Direct/Indirect Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Hemolytic serum shows interferences
PRE-WEDDING PACKAGES ₹ 2200 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm Mon/Wed Fri 6pm (Hb variant) NA Clinical history required Test- CBC+ESR,ABO/Rh,HbA2,VDRL,HIV, HBsAg, A-HBS,Rubella IgG
Pro BNP, Serum ₹ 1650 - Diagnosis of suspected patients with acute heart failure / CCF
PROGESTRONE ₹ 500 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention Age / LMP & if pregnant
PROLACTIN ₹ 450 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Pituitary tumors,menstrual irregularities, infertility, impotence and galactorrhea
PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS ₹ 650 Electrophoresis Daily 2pm Next Day NA Multiple myeloma, macroglobulinemia
PROTHROMBIN TIME WITH INR ₹ 350 Coagulation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Sample should reach lab in 2 hrs. 2. Outsation labs must send plasma. 3.Drug history
PSA PANEL ₹ 1100 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Mention age is manadatory 2. Clinical history of illness Test- TPSA , Free PSA, Free PSA : TPSA Ratio
PSA TOTAL ₹ 600 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Avoid test for 7 days after PR examination, USG, UTI
TESTOSTERONE TOTAL ₹ 550 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history , Age & sex required
URINE ROUTINE ₹ 100 Automated/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Renal damage,UTI, diabetes, hypertension, drug toxicity
QUANTIFERON TB GOLD * ₹ 2300 ELISA Tuesday Evening Wednesday Evening NA 1. Diagnosis of TB 2. Does not differentiate between active and latent TB 3. Blood samples are stable upto 3 days in tubes coated with specific antigen at room temperature. 4. Unaffected by BCG vaccination
RECURRENT ABORTION PROFILE ₹ 3400 See Individual Test Daily 4pm Thurs 6pm NA Clinical History Required. Test- TORCH IgM , ACLA, A- B2 glycoprotein, LUPUS
RED BLOOD CELL FOLATE* ₹ 1850 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH ₹ 60 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detects degree of an isocytosis of RBCs
RENAL PROFILE / R.F.T ₹ 650 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Assessment of functional activity of renal/kidney Test- Urea , Crt, UA, CA, Phos ,TP ,Alb, Glb, ALKP, SOD, POT
RETICULOCYTE COUNT ₹ 200 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Previous report
Rh ANTIBODY TITRE ₹ 400 AGGLUTINATION Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1.History of abortion 2.New born hemolytic disorded Screening test"
RHEUMATOID FACTOR ₹ 350 Immunoturbidimetry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs For diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
ROTA VIRUS ANTIGEN * ₹ 800 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Detection of Rotavirus antigen in stool samples. 2. Most common cause of childhood diarrhoea.
RUBELLA IgG ₹ 450 CHEMILUMINESCENCE / ECL Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1. To evaluate immunisation ećcacy against Rubella 2. If antibody is not speciĄed, IgM antibodies are selected by default"
RUBELLA IgM ₹ 450 CHEMILUMINESCENCE / Daily Daily 7pm 2 hrs Recent Infection of
SALMONELLA TYPHI IgM ₹ 350 IMMUNOCHROMATOGRAPHY Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Typhoid Fever
SECOND TRIMESTER SCREENING (TRIPLE TEST) ₹ 2400 ECLIA+ Prisca Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 6 hrs Detail history required as per the questionare available at Reception
SLE/AUTOIMMUNE PROFILE ₹ 3850 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Diagnosis of autoimmune disorders. Test- CBC+ESR, RA, HSCRP, ANA IFA, ANA LIA , Urinalysis
SODIUM ₹ 150 ISE - Direct/Indirect Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history Urgent processing to be requested , hemolysis serum show interference
SPERM QUALITY ANALYSIS ₹ 400 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Time of collection/ History of Abstinence / For walk in patient only
STOOL PH * ₹ 50 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Diagnosis of Lactose Intolerance
STOOL REDUCING SUGAR ₹ 50 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Diagnosis of Lactose Intolerance
STOOL FOR CRYPTOSPORIDIUM* ₹ 400 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Infection seen in immunocompromised patients
STOOL FOR HANGING DROP * ₹ 200 Manual/Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Urgent sample transported in Alkaline Peptone water within 2 hrs of collection. Diagnosis of Cholera
STOOL OCCULT BLOOD ₹ 100 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Test is performed for checking bleeding in the UGIT
STOOL ROUTINE ₹ 150 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Selected by default
SWIMMING POOL WATER ₹ 1800 - 3 samples Required, Take container for collection from lab
T3 FREE ₹ 200 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Thyroid hormones , assess thyroid function
T3 TOTAL ₹ 150 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Thyroid hormones , assess thyroid function
T4 FREE ₹ 200 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Thyroid hormones , assess thyroid function
T4 TOTAL ₹ 150 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Thyroid hormones , assess thyroid function
THALASSEMIA PROFILE ₹ 2100 See Individual test Daily 4pm Mon/Wed Fri 6 p.m. NA Mention Age, sex, H/o transfusion & parents history if any Test- CBC+ESR, GBP, Retic, Iron , UIBC, TSI, Ferritin , HbA2
THROAT SWAB FOR K.L.B ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Urgent sample & collect 2 swabs, 1 for Albert Stain & 1 for Culture.
THROMBIN TIME ₹ 600 Coagulation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Sample should reach lab in 2 hrs. 2. Outsation labs must send plasma. 3. Drug history
THYROID AUTO IMMUNE PROFILE ₹ 2200 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of Thyroid autoimmune disorders Test- A- TPO, A-TG, FT3, FT4, TSH
THYROID FREE PROFILE ₹ 600 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Detection of Thyroid status. 2. Mention age & sex Test- FT3, FT4, TSH
THYROID TOTAL PROFILE ₹ 500 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1.Detection of Thyroid status. 2. Mention age & sex Test- T3, T4, TSH"
TORCH IgG PROFILE ₹ 1200 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "Clinical history / Age & Sex Test- Toxo IgG, CMV I gG, Rubella IgG, HSV 1 & 2 IgG".
TORCH IgM PROFILE ₹ 1200 See Individual test Daily 4pm Next Day 2 hrs "1. Clinical history/ Age & Sex 2.TORCH 4 IgM is default test, & IgM is default antibody type. Test- Toxo IgM, CMV I gM, Rubella IgM, HSV 1 & 2 IgM"
TOTAL PROTEIN ₹ 100 Biruret Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Used for determining patient's nutritional status, liver disease or kidney disease.
TOTAL LEUCOCYTE COUNT ₹ 100 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Previous Reports
TOTAL RED BLOOD CELL COUNT ₹ 80 Cell Counter Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Previous reports
TOXOPLASMA IgG ₹ 450 CHEMILUMINESCENCE Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs "1.Past infection by Toxoxplasma 2. If antibody is not speciĄed, IgM antibodies are selected by default"
TOXOPLASMA IgM ₹ 450 CHEMILUMINESCENCE / ECL Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Recent Infection of Toxoplasma
TRANSFERRIN SATURATION INDEX ₹ 500 Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs It indicate Iron deĄciency if less than 20% & Iron overload if more than 50%
TRIGLYCERIDES ₹ 150 Enzymatic colorimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs High conc. are associated with Pancreatitis & increased risk for cardiovascular disease.
TROPONIN – I ₹ 1000 ELFA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction
TSH THIRD GENERATION ₹ 200 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Pituitary hormone used to assess Thyroid function.
TZANCK SMEAR * ₹ 400 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm
Unsaturated Iron-Binding Capacity (UIBC) ₹ 250 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Information about Iron status in body
URE SPOT AMYLASE ₹ 350 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Increased in pancreatitis
URE 24 HRS ALBUMIN ₹ 200 Immunoturbidimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
URE 24 HRS CALCIUM ₹ 200 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
URE 24 HRS CREATININE ₹ 200 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
URE 24 HRS ₹ 550 Immunoturbidimetric Daily Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical
MICROALBUMIN ₹ 100 4pm History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
URE 24 HRS PHOSPHORUS ₹ 200 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
URE 24 HRS URIC ACID ₹ 200 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
Urine 24HRS MICROALBUMIN : CREATININE RATIO ₹ 500 Photometry/ Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
Urine 24HRS VANILYLMANDELICACID* ₹ 2500 Resin Exchange Chromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume 3. Diet ( Tea , coĂee, chocolate,fruit, juices,vanilla, banana, cheese, alcohol) should be avoided 3 day before collection of urine
Urine 24HRS ALBUMIN: CREATININE RATIO ₹ 500 Photometry/ Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
URE CREATININE CLEARANCE TEST (24 HRS) ₹ 350 Photometry/ Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA 1. Clinical History/ Age & sex 2.Preservative Can / Mention 24 hrs urine volume
Urine SPOT URIC ACID ₹ 180 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Diagnosis of uric acid metabolism
Urine SPOT ALBUMIN ₹ 180 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.History of diabetes mellitus 2. First morning urine sample not taken 3. second morning urine sample
Urine SPOT ALBUMIN/ CREATININE RATIO ₹ 500 Photometry/ Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy
Urine SPOT CREATININE ₹ 200 Photometry Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Assessment of renal function 2. Previous history of renal disorder 3. previous history of renal transplantation
Urine SPOT MICROALBUMIN ₹ 550 Immunoturbidimetric Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy
Urine SPOT MICROALBUMIN/ CREATININE RATIO ₹ 500 Photometry/ Calculation Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy
UREA ₹ 100 Urease - GLDH Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Measure of Renal function.
URIC ACID ₹ 120 Uricase Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Gout, Metabolis disorder of purine metabolism. Lesch-Nyhan & Fanconi syndrome.
URINE DRUGS OF ABUSE (10 DRUGS) ₹ 2200 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of Drug Abuse. Drug- Amphetamine, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Morphine, Marijuana(THC), Opiates, Metamphetamine
URINE DRUGS OF ABUSE (6 DRUGS) ₹ 1500 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of Drug Abuse. Drug- Amphetamine, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Morphine, Marijuana(THC), Opiates, Metamphetamine
URINE PORPHOBILINOGEN ₹ 150 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Collect in dark coloured bottle. Protect from light Test is used to conĄrm a diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria
URINE BENCE JONES PROTEIN ₹ 200 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Multiplemyeloma, Lymphoproliferative process
URINE BILE PIgMENT (BP) ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detect type of Jaundice
URINE BILE SALTS (BS) ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detect type of Jaundice
URINE BILIRUBIN ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detect type of Jaundice
URINE CHYLE ₹ 200 Manual Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Obstruction of lymphochylous system e.g. Filariasis
URINE FOR CYTOLOGY ₹ 300 "Cytocentrifuge/ Microscopy" Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1.Detection of malignancy 2. Clinical History Required.
URINE FOR PREGNANCY ₹ 100 Immunochromatography Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Mention Age/ LMP
URINE GLUCOSE ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Diabetes mellitus
URINE HEMOGLOBIN ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detection of Blood in Urine
URINE KETONE ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Test measures the presence or absence of ketones in urine
URINE MICROSCOPY ₹ 50 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm NA Detection of cells in urine
URINE NITRATE ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Positive in Infections
URINE PH ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Assess Acidity & alkalinity of urine
URINE PHASE CONTRAST ₹ 300 Phase Contrast Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
URINE PROTEIN/ ALBUMIN ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Assessment of Proteinuria Clinical history required
URINE SPECIFIC GRAVITY ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Assess concentrating capacity of kidney
URINE UROBILINOGEN ₹ 50 Automated Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Detect type of Jaundice
V. D. R. L ₹ 120 RPR Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Syphilis progression and response to therapy 2. Biological false positives with TB ,Leprosy, SLE, RA, malignancy 3. Abnormal results in case of coinfection with HIV
VALPROIC ACID * ₹ 750 Chemiluminescence Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history & drug dose
VITAMIN B12 ₹ 900 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Megaloblastic Anemia. Treatment history required
VITAMIN D TOTAL (25-OH) ₹ 1500 ECLIA Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Assessment of bone health
WEIL FELIX TEST ₹ 700 Agglutination Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs 1. Rickettsial infection 2. Predictive value increases when tested with acute and convalescent sera to look for a rise in titre of antibodies
WELL WOMAN PROGRAMME ₹ 4500 See Individual test Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 4 hrs 1. 10-12 hrs. Fasting 2. Clinical History/ Age& Sex 3. USG by Appointment 4. PAP before USG Test- CBC+ESR,FBS,Lipid,Free thyroid,Crt, SGPT,Urinalysis,PAP,Stool,Chest PA,USG-whole abdomen,DEXA,Mammo
WESTERN BLOT FOR HIV 1 & 2 ₹ 2500 Western Blot Daily 2pm Next Day 6pm 24 hrs ConĄrmatory test for HIV
WIDAL TEST (SLIDE METHOD) ₹ 100 Agglutination Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Typhoid and para typhoid fevers
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – ASCITIC FLUID ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – BRONCHIAL SECRETIONS (BAL/TA/ PSB) ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Urgent sample, transport within 1 hr. Keep at room temperature. Clinical History required
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – CSF ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Urgent sample, transport within 1 hr. Keep at room temperature.
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – OTHERS ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – PERICARDIAL FLUID ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – PLEURAL FLUID ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – PUS ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Give a comment on the background of smear
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – SPUTUM ₹ 200 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Expectorated Sputum Thick mucopurulent part of sputum required, not saliva.
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – SWAB ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – TRACHEAL ASPIRATES ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
Z.N. & A.R. STAIN – AQUEOUS ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
Z.N. & A.R.STAIN – SYNOVIAL FLUID ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
Z.N. & A.R.STAIN – THROAT SWAB ₹ 150 Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Usefull in tuberculosis diagnosis
Z.N. & A.R.STAIN – URINE ₹ 150 Manual/Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical History Required Stain of smear made from centrifuged deposit
Z.N. & A.R.STAIN – VITREOUS ₹ 150 Manual/ Microscopy Daily 4pm Daily 7pm 2 hrs Clinical history required
Hemoglobin ₹ 50 sahli method 1 HR YES
ECG ₹ 250 15 MINS